What is the #1 must-have homeschool organization app and why do you need it? Find the answers in this post.
I’ve always been a paper and pen kind of person. Writing things out by hand on paper just suits me. The problem is, I have notebooks all over the place, full of random notes.
On top of regularly misplacing these notebooks, one time my husband spilled coffee all over my notes for the coming school year. He effectively destroyed everything I had written. Seriously?!
It was after this particular coffee incident that I decided I needed something more coffee-proof and impossible to lose. Enter, Evernote.
It is essentially an online note-taking app but can do so much more than just save notes you jot down. In college I used Evernote all the time for all my class notes. Then I graduated and for some reason, graduated Evernote as well.
So after the coffee debacle, I downloaded Evernote to my phone and discovered I still had my account with all my class notes saved. Crazy! Talk about safely storing your notes for years…
Why you need Evernote
Evernote is a beast when it comes to taking and keeping notes. Here’s a list of all the benefits of using Evernote:
- It’s free!
- All your notes, all in one place, synced across all your devices
- Notes safely stored to the cloud for easy access anywhere
- Take pictures of handwritten notes you can easily search later
- Digitize paper documents, drawings, and whiteboard notes with a quick camera scan
- Attach any picture, pdf, or even voice memo to a note
- Save screenshots of webpages in part or whole
- Use templates for quick to-lists and checklists
- Easily share notes with other people
- Did I mention it’s free?! *There is a paid version that allows you unlimited upload capacity each month and unlimited device connectivity but I get along just fine on the free version. I use Evernote on my computer and my phone only.
You see, Evernote is a total powerhouse for the homeschooling momma! The ways we can use this app for for our homeschooling needs is virtually endless!
Just to get your brain juices flowing, here is a list of 5 different ways you can put Evernote to use in your homeschool:
- Plan for the coming school year
- Keep records
- Organize curriculum
- Track loop schedules
- Save activities/printables
Gone are the days of coffee-ruined notes and lost notebooks. With Evernote, you don’t even need to compromise your love of writing by hand. Just snap a picture of your handwritten note and save it to Evernote. Best homeschool organization app EVER!
Have I convinced you of the amazingness of Evernote yet?
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